Monday, May 30, 2011

Paris Day Two, Chateau de Versailles and Mont Martre

On Sunday we woke up around 7:30 a.m. to get breakfast.  It was the most scrumptious food.  I had two croissants with strawberry and cherry jam, a wedge of cheese, a kiwi, and a bit of pound cake. Do not judge me. It was free, and I was in France.

We then hopped on the coach again and drove to the Chateau de Versailles.  We didn't get to go inside the actual  palace, as we didn't have that much time and it is ginormous.  But we did get to explore the massive gardens.  Louis XIV really knew how to decorate. (And how to put France into debt.  He and his wife Marie Antoinette were beheaded during the French Revolution because the people hated them and their purses so much).

It was a beautiful day to be in a garden for sure. Here are some of my favorite pictures. 

King Louis XIV was known as the Sun King, because of his love for gold.  It was very evident throughout the park and on the actual Chateau itself. 

Here are some pictures of the Chateau. I think you'll see what I mean.

After Versailles, we took the coach to Mont Martre, where Le Sacre Coeur is located.  It is kind of known as the artist district, and is really lovely. We had lunch up there, I had  crepe with red sauce, cheese, and ham ( I know. I don't even like ham. But it was le jambon is cheaper than le poulet, or chicken).  It was delicious nonetheless. And I also had an orangina, which is a delicious french orange drink. I was in heaven. I was actually pretty much in heaven this entire trip. Don't let me kid you.

 The pictures in the middle are the view of Paris from Sacre Coeur, the highest point in Paris.

Also, I should talk about the ice cream. This picture is from Saturday, but I didn't get  picture of my Sunday cone.  I had Mango on Saturday and Raspberry on Sunday. They were the best ice cream cones I have had in my entire life, so fruity and light and tasty. Thank you Bethany, for telling me to get it!

And that, friends and family, was one of the best weekends of my life. I was dragging my feet by the time we got to the dorm around 11:30 on Sunday night, but it was very worth it.  The girls that went came into our room and we ordered two pizzas, cheese sticks, potatoe wedges, a bottle of coke, and garlic bread. It was devoured, and then I'm sure we all slept very well. I know I did.

1 comment:

  1. So glad you had fun!!! In another three years (when we both have time to replenish our bank accounts) we'll have to go back to London and Paris so I can show you all my things and you can show me all of yours!
