Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Well, believe it or not, I do have to go to classes here! Strange concept, I know. I am enrolled in the Social History of London, and the Psychology of the Famous, Fashionable, and Fabulous. The history class is going to be amazing.  Tomorrow I am to meet my professor at St. Paul's Cathedral.  Apparently we will be climbing to the very top tower, and there is a great view of London. She says its better than from the London Eye. 

Today I went to Primark, which is like a department store, but the prices are insanely low.  I bought 2 pairs of shoes, a shirt, a lace shirt, a pair of jeans, and a pretty skirt for 30 quid. A quid is like saying, a buck. Pretty good, eh?

I also saw Lady Gaga's lobster hat today.  I wasn't just over the top impressed, I'm not her biggest fan.  But I guess it could be a big deal. It was in a mall on Oxford street that has a Save the Ocean/ Fish campaign.  Ironically enough,  there is a sushi restaurant right next to it!

The first picture is the Lady Gaga hat, the second is my first plate of FISH AND CHIPS. They served it with tartar sauce and minty smushed peas.  It was all scrumptious, but I bet many don't like the peas. 


1 comment:

  1. Joselyn,

    Sounds like you are having fun. London is always a place I have wanted to go, but have not been yet. Stay out of trouble and have fun.

    Uncle Paul
